Habits Of Successful Hospitality Leaders


In hospitality, we know the hours can be long, the boss demanding, and the clients, well, a little challenging. It not only takes tons of energy, charisma, and skill to become a successful hospitality leader; you also need to create and stick to a set of good habits.

Take the example of Bill Marriott, ex-CEO and chairman of Marriott International, he crafted 12 simple rules for success in 1964 and still lives by them now!

Below, you'll find our take on the five essential habits of successful hospitality leaders so that you can get inspired and create your own list today. You'll be amazed by how small changes in your habits can lead to big, life-changing moments.

1. They're Organized and Stick to Their Schedule

They plan their days in advance and make a list of prioritized tasks that they need to complete that week, and don't divert from it. This seems strict, but it definitely works. Is being in the lobby to greet guests for an hour each morning important to you? Then schedule it, commit to it, and do it every day. The same goes for the time spent listening to employee feedback, inspecting the hotel, or taking five minutes for yourself to refocus before big tasks or meetings.

2. They Know That It's Crucial to Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is a habit; we do it every night. The trick is in keeping a consistent sleep schedule and getting enough of it. Various studies clearly demonstrate how sleep deprivation can have major consequences on your overall health, happiness, and productivity at work. Marriott’s CEO, Arne Sorensen, is proud to say he consistently gets 7.5 hours of sleep each night and that anything less is “dead wrong.”

3. They Never Stop Reading or Learning

There's one habit that “ultra-successful” people have in common: they read, and they read a lot. From Warren Buffet to Mark Zuckerberg to Elon Musk, successful people keep a habit of daily reading.

Start small: commit 30 minutes a day to catching up on industry news. Move onto a good biography or a classic literary work. Reading has the power to relax, to remove us from the present, and can increase creativity and inspiration. Former U.S President, Harry S. Truman, once said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”

? Looking for essential industry reading? Discover 7 books that’ll make you a better hospitality professional

4. They Exercise Regularly

Successful people know that physically challenging themselves can lead to inspiration, improved mental processing, and sharper memory. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, believes that he wouldn't have experienced his level of success "...if I hadn’t always placed importance on my health and fitness.”

If the world's top hospitality leaders swear by incorporating fitness into their daily routines, then shouldn't we give it a try? We suggest starting small and staying motivated. Join a running, cycling, basketball, or yoga group that meets regularly in order to stay accountable.

5. They Think Positively

We’ve all heard about “the power of positive thinking.” But there’s a reason for this phrase’s ubiquitous presence: it truly works. When you think positively, your goals and projects have a better chance of succeeding. It’s even scientifically proven. So don’t dwell on guest complaints and negative feedback. As Bill Marriott’s 12th rule for success puts it, “View every problem as an opportunity to grow.”

? Want to make more meaningful adjustments? Check out these 5 steps to bring more positive change to your life



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